The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Job Search

Home OntarioThe Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Job Search

By Eastern Workforce Innovation Board* – September 2023 Newsletter

A 2022 survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management found that 10 percent of human resource professionals have already experienced an impact from workplace automation and another 35 percent believe their job will become more reliant on workplace automation in the next few years.

One in four were concerned that automation would replace their job in the next five years while one half believe that automation of specific job tasks or duties would give them more time to focus on other areas of their work.

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To varying degrees, automation is being used by human resource professionals to:

  1. Job Match resumes with openings filtering for the best candidates
  2. Screen to look for more nuanced things like social media activity, whether the candidate changes jobs frequently, etc.
  3. Engage candidates to help organize interviews, schedule skill assessments, etc. It also helps the company stay in touch with candidates providing them with updates.
  4. Onboard new hires introducing them company policies, procedures and resources.
  5. Finally, artificial intelligence helps organizations avoid the unconscious bias that can happen when humans are determining which candidates to consider for a position.

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About the Author

Eastern Workforce Innovation Board – The Eastern Workforce Innovation Board (EWIB) is one of 26 boards that comprise Workforce Ontario – Leaders in Workforce Planning. EWIB provides details on community workforce planning and development as well as everything you need to get connected – find the resources in your community relevant to training, employment, labour force information and discover community partnerships.

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Stock Image from Pixabay 

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