Employment tools are available to assist Job Seekers in making…
LMI impacts all the participants in the labour market. In…
The Conference Board of Canada in partnership with FutureSkills Centre…
Economic Development 1000 Islands Community Development Corporation Frontenac Community Futures…
General Information for Employers: Government of Canada Canada’s COVID-19 Economic…
Jobs and employment Information for job seekers and businesses. Includes…
This Local Labour Market Report Planning (LLMP) Report is a…
All Local Workforce Boards are funded by the Ministry of…
Township of AthensAthens Chamber of CommerceAugusta TownshipCity of BrockvilleBrockville &…
Welcome to our community map. Please click a community to…
There are 26 workforce planning areas in communities across Ontario.…
Eastern Workforce Innovation Board presents Career Videos. EWIB reached out to businesses in our region…
This collection of 19 Municipal Community Profile Pamphlets utilizes 2016 Census data to provide detailed information…
This Local Labour Market Report Planning (LLMP) Report is a comprehensive document. This document can…
Quarterly newsletters that include topics such as: ‘Words from the Executive Director’, ‘What is The…
Examining the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the workforce in Eastern Ontario.
Recent news articles that focus on the labour market. A useful tool that can be…
The LLMP Reports can be used as a standalone report on the local labour market in the 1000 Islands Region. It is a compilation of facts and figures together with community input. It outlines labour market trends and potential challenges in workforce development. It also provides action plans that outlines activities and projects that community partners are undertaking to address some of the labour market challenges.
EWIB JOB BOARD includes a searchable job list (JOB BOARD) and a regional job map (JOB MAP) of over 2000 job postings from over 30 online job boards all in one place.
We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.
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