Job Search

Home Job Search

Job Search tools are available to assist Job Seekers in making employment and career decisions. These tools are easy to use and are free of charge and include:


The Job Board is a local job search tool consisting of job postings pulled from over 30 other job boards. Find the jobs you that interest you by the easy-to-use search tools.

Click here to search the Job Board.


The Job Map is another way to search for local jobs. It allows you to search for jobs by displaying them on a map of the area. You can pinpoint exactly where the job is located. The map can also link transit routes, schools, health agencies, employment services and more in the area.

Click here to search the Job Map.


The Resume Building tool is an easy to use tool to assist you in preparing a professional looking resume. You can choose from numerous resume designs. You will have to create an account to use this free service.

Once registered, fill out your profile. By checking the box for ‘Receive Job Feed Updates By Email’, you will receive updates on your personalized job feed delivered right to your mailbox, at a frequency of your choosing.

Click here to go to the Resume Builder.


The LMI Help Desk will allow you to ask questions about jobs and careers that interest you. Example questions could include: Where are the jobs? Who is hiring in my area? How much money can I expect to make? Do I have the skills and education for the jobs I want? How to I find a good career?

Your questions will be sent to a labour market expert who will find the answers for you, usually within a few days.

Click here to ask your question.

WATCH this short video that explains the LMI Help Desk;

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